Equine Therapy

Providing Holistic Equine Therapy in Bundaberg

What Is Harmonising? 

Harmonising is the process of creating a deep bond between horses and humans. Unlike many horsemanship programs or training systems, it doesn’t create a forced relationship where the human is master of the horse. Instead, it is a healing process where the horse (and preferably the person as well) is assisted to relax, connect and communicate to develop trust and partnership.

At Harmonising Horse Whisperer in Bundaberg, Serrin can help with:

  • Establishing a new relationship (especially for rescue horses)
  • Healing a broken bond (for example, after an accident or trauma)
  • Deepening a working relationship into an unbreakable bond
  • Creating an environment conducive to multiple horses or humans sharing space (great for riding schools, tour horses or equine therapy establishments)

A great partnership is full of joy for the horse, as well as the people involved. Everyone benefits when horses and humans are in harmony. To learn more about equine therapy, contact Serrin on 0407 815 805.

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Utilising Different Techniques 

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Flexible, Holistic Packages for Individuals & Groups

Available 24/7 by Appointment

How I Work

While I’ve concentrated my practice on working with horses, I also work with other domestic animals. When working with horses, I specifically extend my work to include animals that are frequently in the stables or paddocks of the horses I treat, as interactions between these animals and the horses are an important part of their home environment. And just as you might be experiencing some disharmony with your horse, it may be finding a pet dog or cat that regularly visits it to be disruptive or stressful.


If you’d like me to work directly with a pet other than a horse, please let me know—my cat, Max, loves receiving reiki daily and finds it relieves his joint pain caused by ageing. I equally enjoy bringing harmony to all kinds of furry and feathery friendships, so I’m always happy to receive requests to work with other animals.

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My Background/History

Before working with any horse, I will ask the owner and/or rider to provide as much background as possible. To help with this process, I have a detailed questionnaire to help prompt insights. I understand you may only know some of your horse’s background or some of its history may be anecdotal. This is completely normal, but the more we know to begin with, the better our foundation for understanding the horse.



Before I begin treatment, I will work with you to monitor your horse’s moods and behaviours to understand any key triggers or patterns. Depending on the complexity of the situation, this monitoring may be for two to six weeks prior to treatments commencing.


In urgent situations, I may recommend we begin treatment and monitor simultaneously to relieve the horse’s or herd’s distress.

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The Diagnosis Process

Once I understand the background and current situation, I will meet the horse. I will establish an initial connection with the horse, gently handling and instructing it if appropriate, and carefully watch its response. Usually, I will also get the owner/rider to run through some basic interactions with their horse. This enables me to see how they interact and pick up on any differences in how the horse interacts with me.

Following this initial session with your horse, I will explain the main issues I’m observing and any problems I can see immediately. It is important to note this is merely the starting point— just as humans often display an outward behaviour that is driven by deeper underlying issues, underlying issues may not surface until later in the treatment plan.

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Expert, Tailored Recommendations

Based on my diagnosis, I will make some recommendations about how to harmonise your horse. These recommendations include the treatments I will provide directly to your horse, as well as changes to be made to the horse’s environment, food, routine and your own interactions and communications with your horse.

The plan is implemented in a staged manner, so the changes are not overwhelming for you or your horse. I provide support throughout the implementation and for 3-12 months after the direct treatments have been completed (depending on which package you have chosen).

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The Harmonising Plan

Every Harmonising Plan is unique to the horse and human I’m working with; however, the factors I consider include:

Direct Treatment

The modalities I use for each horse vary on what behaviours I observe and your preferences—I'm happy to answer questions about any of the healing modalities I’m trained in, but the most important thing to know is that they’re all non-invasive and safe!

  • Reiki—for horses & humans
  • Various energy healing modalities—for horses & humans
  • Horse massage
  • Aromatherapy for horses
  • Photonic healing for horses

And more.

Other treatments include relationship nurturing, in addition to:

  • Conscious communication techniques
  • Reading your horse’s body language
  • Environmental amendments
  • Food & nutrition
  • Routine
  • Shelter
  • Paddock
  • Herd
  • Other animals
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After the initial treatment plan has been undertaken, we will review our progress.

While results are usually noticeable from early in the treatments, sometimes new issues are also uncovered as we go, or you may get insights into how deep a relationship is possible with your horse and decide to continue the work. If we decide that ongoing treatment would be beneficial, I will design a continuation plan.

Ongoing Support

All my packages include ongoing support after the initial treatment period. This is a period of 3-12 months, depending on the package you choose, and includes access to me via phone or email to ask any questions you may have. During this time, you can also purchase single treatment sessions for your horse and/or yourself at half price.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you understand what a horse wants or how it is feeling if you can't ask them directly?

    As horses cannot communicate verbally, I rely on careful observation and reading their nonverbal cues and behaviours. By observing them deeply, I can understand their needs, emotions, and desires. Each horse is unique, just like every human, and I aim to bridge the communication gap between them.

  • How long does it usually take to see results in building a harmonious relationship between a horse and a human?

    Building a strong bond between a horse and a human requires time and effort. Typically, I work over a period of six or more weeks with a minimum of six sessions to start with. While some may prefer one-off sessions for temporary fixes, lasting change is more likely when we address underlying problems, heal the relationship and adjust the horse's environment. This long-term approach creates a deeper partnership and friendship.

  • What is your approach to harmonising disrupted herds?

    Disrupted harmony within a horse herd can occur due to various reasons, such as the loss of a member, the addition of a new horse, shared traumas or individual horse traumas. Typically, I work with one horse in the presence of others, carefully selecting the right horse depending on the situation. This allows the other horses to observe, approach and experience the treatment without interfering. In most cases, the overall harmony of the herd can be restored by working with one horse, although occasionally, more than one horse may require direct treatment.

  • How do the benefits of harmonising with horses extend beyond the horse-human relationship?

    When we focus on building a deep bond and harmonious relationship with horses, the benefits extend beyond just the horse-human connection. This transformation can positively impact various areas of your life, creating a true partnership and deep-rooted friendship. Some people even describe achieving a deeply spiritual connection with their horse, referred to as a ‘Soul Horse’. The benefits and harmony experienced with horses can have a profound effect on overall wellbeing and relationships in other areas of life.

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